

Discord has been clearing thousands of servers and millions of accounts

Discord has been clearing thousands of servers and millions of accounts
Leri Koen

Leri Koen

  • Updated:

The increasingly popular social media platform, Discord, recently published its quarterly safety and transparency report. This report showed some serious house-cleaning efforts made by the platform, banning and disabling thousands of accounts suspected of spam-related offenses or other actions against the platform’s rules.


In total, 55,573,411 user accounts and 68,379 servers were disabled between January and June of this year. Most of these accounts were banned for spam-related offenses, with only 1,821,721 removed for other reasons such as child safety or exploitative and unsolicited content.

This number of account removal may seem significant, but on a platform as popular as Discord, it’s essential to ensure all users’ safety. So far, this move seems to be justified, especially when looking at the number of successful appeals. Only 2% of appeals were successful after the first quarter, whereas in the second quarter, less than 1% of appeals were reinstated. This illustrates how seriously the platform takes these bans and how careful they investigate before disabling accounts to make sure the platform is safe for all users.

Discord also reported that they were able to act on 24% of reported infractions between January and March and 22% of those reported between April and June. These steady numbers show an active interest in monitoring the platform. They also stated that they welcome appeals and are more than happy to reinstate accounts if they made a mistake, or the user can provide more details they weren’t aware of.

Discord is taking an active stand in trying to create a safe environment for its users to connect and create. We’re starting to see a lot more of this on social media platforms. Even Twitter has plans to create a content moderation council to help keep the platform safe for all users. Elon Musk, the official owner of Twitter, has announced this plan.

Among its commitment to making the platform safer, Discord is also releasing new features to keep users entertained and having fun. We look forward to seeing what else the platform has in store.

Leri Koen

Leri Koen

Born and raised in South Africa I am the mother of two busy kids and one loving husband. Since leaving school I immediately started working and have been involved in many different industries where I learned a wide range of skills. Some of my skills range from marketing to management and even teaching special needs children, particularly those with severe developmental delays. I am a self-proclaimed holiday nut, taking any chance I can get to decorate and celebrate major holidays such as Easter, Halloween and Christmas, often planning these months in advance! I have a wide range of passions that I persue (as often as I can) such as reading, writing, bonsai, crafting, creating natural beauty products, listening to music and playing games (prefered platforms being PC and Xbox).

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